Monday, September 29, 2008


We all find it far too easy to dwell on our past. This can breath venom into current relationships and prevent growth. But lets face it, getting past anger can be very difficult. I am not sure what has happened lately, but I have found a happiness I have not known for many years. Perhaps it is acceptance that I cannot change my past? Perhaps it is finding what I wanted in relationships with people that I care for? I am not sure which is the right answer but it doesn't matter because I am happy! The poem that I am posting reflects where I found my joy several years ago and find it again now. With that being said, I have found many old poems that I am going back to and reworking. My friend David hasn't even seen these poems. So, look for more soon!

Joy II
My joy is a cool afternoon with rosy cheeked giggles.
Innocent laughter reminds me that "all is right with the world"
My joy is strength found in conversation wise beyond one's years.
Intuitiveness that is often unexpected and welcome.
My joy is a little girl's silliness spinning in the setting sun,
Her spirit matched in brilliance only by the sun's beauty.
My joy is eyes as blue as the ocean is deep
Matched only by the care and love they exude.
The children's innocence and courage embrace me
Their unrelenting love sustains me.
My joy is unending love from my sisters in soul.
I have not two legs to stand on but many more.
My joy is sisters who feed my soul when it hungers.
Sisters who wipe my tears of joy and agony. My faithful sister who guides me when I am lost. Our bond so unimaginably deep.
My deviant sister....fellow hell raiser!
Your humor so fitting...your facade matched only by mine.
My strongest sister, you are truly amazing!
The strength of ten women with courage matched by no other.
My joy is the beauty, love and kindness life has to offer.
My joy is the trials and tribulations and lessons they teach.
My joy is truly living life as if every day may be the last. [written 11/04]

By the way Winnie-This is the me you know <3 Rose


David Cranmer said...

Once again a great poem. I hope your trying to get these published.

Rose Kellog said...

I wouldn't even know where to begin with making that happen. There's also that little thing I like to call "fear of being rejected"

David Cranmer said...

I will look for some links to sites that accept poems and get back to you...

Jasmine said...

Wonderful Poem Rose!

David Cranmer said...

Here is a few spots to submit poetry:

Rose Kellog said...

Thanks David, I will give it a try. Jasmine, I am glad you like the poem